Sunday, June 12, 2005

Study, study!!!!!, Why can't I just be a rock star??/

Hey ho,
This be my first post for my new blog. Well just got up about 3 hours ago, its about 6 p.m. now and it's bloody cold. Temperature is about 7 degrees, but the worst is still the wind. Daily routine for this past week (study week) has been study till 6 am, sleep till 3 or 4 p.m and then repeat. Too lazy to bloody shave, so been growing a nice stubble (What else is new?) Exams on Monday and flying back on the 22nd, wohooo!!!! All I have now is my beautiful music and friends, thats all I bloody need. Well thats bout it for now, gotta hit the books again. Au Revoir

Are you a lucky little lady in the city of lights? Or just another lost angel?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Vishant... I AM YOUR FATHER! Together we rule MIC!"