Sunday, July 24, 2005

El condor pasa

Hmmm, its been over month since last posting. Had a blast in Malaysia. Drank toddy wth my friends and ate tom yam fishballs. Best of all is that I got into vet. Sadly, it is beginning to dawn on me, how tough it ll be to get thru this course and am beginning to dread all that studying, but as my good friend jasong heng said, 'Aiyoh you wanted rite, so work for it lah'. Thus is the wisdom of my friend. Anyway looking forward to studying, as weird as it may sound, gonna be cutting up a greyhound this semester, but what ever it is I can't wait to get back home for my cousin's wedding. It is god to see my friends here in Perth again, most of all it is good to see my dear sis who is doin really well. Well life is least for now. Over the past month I really have learned hell lot about myself, my weakness, my strengths, my wishes, my dreams, my desires and so on, but at the end of it I just don't bother writing a thesis on myself, and rather let life take it's course and just go with the flow. Well thats bout it for now.