Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hmmm.....half way

Hmmm yes its halfway through the semester. Sometimes it feels like it took forever to get here n sometimes too fast. In the middle of 1 week hols now, but ir doesnt feel like that, cos most of the time I gotta drag my sorry ass to uni for a dissection project, if not that then, its studying for the upcomin physio quiz, bio chem mid sem or preparing for Problem Based Learnin stuff. But not all is lost among this never ending schedule of work. Had a nice bbq at abu's place last sun, unfortunately the bbq din work, so had to cook the stuff in his kitchen, but it was all good. Twas a good meal in the end.
Then last week went with Nicole, Nellie and Min to Mustang Bar to see this live band, Circus. Pretty damn good man, prob even better than Felix. But yeah went wild as usual and so did the girls, despite Min nodding off ,hehehe. Fortunately the night did not end there, we reached student village at 130 am, but did not get out of nicole's car till 330. We just kept listening to song after song having our own mobile karaoke. It was really something else. i guess we all needed it after how busy we ve been. Thanks girls.
Booked my ticket to melbourne. Wohooo. I really cant wait. Its just so hard when you feel helpless and the fact that I cant do much for her being here, aih. Soon soon. She really keeps me going.
Well thats about it folks, more work to be done, well i guess its better to be busy than being idle, but hmmm this is kinda pushing it too far. Take care everyone and dont stop dreaming eh?

P.s. Bon Jovi's Jane Don't You Take your love to town is a damn good song, just rediscovered it few weeks back after so long man and I really hope you guys have listened to Rusted Root


slightly mitigated said...

next sem again huh, kings park karaoke. the whole package ;P anyhow hang in there for this sem then sweet music awaits us again. go take care of su in melbourne! i wish her all the best in recovering. god bless.

slightly mitigated said...

oh did i tell you i have a gorgeous cup?? haha.. i love it, it makes my day

Vishant said...

hahaha, yes i ve read about ur lovely cup, better be careful with it eh? hehehe