Monday, October 17, 2005

Restless in Cafe del Mar

Yes that is what I am listening to as I jot this piece down. Just so restless, have been like this for so long. Which is weird, cause things are all going well now. I feel so at home here, I am much closer to my friends, it feels so much like family, studies goin ok, but yet, aih. I am dreading the fact that some of my good friends are graduating end of this semester and leaving for good next march. We ve come to be such a close knit bunch. I m just worried of losing this wondeful comraderie we ve built over these past few months. Some of my friends here keep telling me its all good and tt I should not worry so much bout such things, cos it happens all the time in life, but all my life I ve been dreading this sorta stuff. It happened when I left sec school, when I left home for uni, when I parted with friends during camps or jamborees, but in all cases things always seemed to turn out better after all of it. Despite knowing this, I still get all restless and feeling crappy thinking about stuff in the future. I ll just have to brave on i guess and make the most of it for now and spend as much time as I can with my pals. Its times like this, u just feel so thankful for being alive. Its all happening......

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