Saturday, August 16, 2008

Citius, Altius, Fortius

Those very words mean, Swifter, Higher Stronger and are the motto of the Olympic games and honestly speaking, they couldnt have said it better. The Olympic Games; what a time. I love every moment of it, from the Spectacular opening ceremonies to the bittersweet closing ones. Ever since 1992 Barcelona , when I was old enough to understand the games, I have loved it. Every moment. I still remember Freddie Mercury and that opera singer, Lady Caballet I think singing the Barcelona anthem. That has definitely got to be the best Olympic Anthem ever. As a kid, the games had a profound impact on me. It was an idea that was alien (Alien considering it was around this time that the world was rather deep in shit with Bosnia being raped, Afghanistan recovering from Russian claws, ironically thanks to American help, etc). The thought that people from all over the world gathered in a spot to compete without malice, adhering to rules like civilised beings astounded me.

I pay attention to all the events, but none grabs me more than the Track and Field ones. I watch ALL of them and I mean ALL. The shotput, the javelin, hammer, and don't even get me started on the running events, my favourite of the lot especially the 1500m. The comraderie, the sportmanship, the crowds cheering (no matter if you are first or last), it is truly a moment when you feel the world come together, seriously. As sugar coated and corny as it sounds, it's true la. I mean thats at least how it used to be. Even in ancient Rome, armies laid down their weapons to compete. Heck during World War 2, the Berlin games, Hitler actually halted his 'Ethnic Cleansing' to Stage the games (He was sorely dissapointed as Jesse Owens, a black American won 4 golds in Track. Hitler didnt even shake Jesse's hands and claimed that Negros should not be allowed to compete as they weren't human. All this coming from a man who killed himself in a bomb bunker, dumb fuck!).

Jesse Owens

At the Beijing Games, the Olympic code for peace is not being upheld. Russia is fucking up Georgia, US is making a puppet out of Poland, threatening Russian security all in the name of JOINT SAFETY and China won't let Tibet go. Ok I am making it sound as if the Beijing organisers are the cause of all this, they arent la for sure. In fact they have done a superb job. Easily one of the best games ever so far. But the Games has lost it's Sacredness and it's sad. I know my writing and frame of mind tends to sound idealistic, corny and sappy, but fuck that, haven't we as humans earned the right to demand a more ideal life, where we can appreciate things that were once sacred, to respect each other enough to lay down arms and treat each other as fellow competitors. Haven't we experienced enough wars to learn from them. Many of you may think, this has no significance on what is actually happening in our world these days, but it is so much more than that. It just shows that we are doomed as a race, doomed since the day we discovered fire, simple as that.

I still believe in the games. One of my dreams is to watch the Olympics live, to be part of the crowd who cheers on all competitors and not just your fellow countrymen. To be part of that euphoric atmosphere. To see your fellow humans up close, push and push and go beyond the limits of their body. Everyday of the past week has been lovely, come back after class or work and just watch the games. Plus track and field has just started. It's things like this that give me hope in the human race.

China is currently in the lead with 26 golds while USA trails behind with 14 golds. At this point, I think it will be hard even for USA to catch up, even with the upcoming track events, cause they are so many underdogs who look like they can give the Yanks a run for their money. We'll see how it goes la, come what may, it's gonna be thrilling. Just a pity Haile Gebreselassie isnt running the marathon. Triathlon's coming up too.

I really hope in some way, this post has inspired you to believe in the games a wee bit more, because there is nothing more beautiful than people coming together, living and competing like brothers in arms. 2 weeks of comraderie, 2 weeks of seeing beyond all our man-made barriers and seeing eye to eye with each other. Rejoice my
friends, the Games are on!

Some of my fav Track and Field Olympians. Watch their videos on youtube. Awesome stuff

Abebe Bikila, won the marathon in 1960 and 1964. Won the 1960 marathon running barefoot on a cobblestone route. The man who started the African long distance monopoly in the Olympics.

Emil Zatopek, the insane Czech long distance runner who won the 5k, 10k and the marathon (his first ever marathon of his life) in the 1948 olympics. Used to train by running long distances in his army boots or carrying his wife on his back. Used to grimace like he was being tortured to death and pant and wheeze audibly. When asked about it, he just said, 'it's not like it's gymnastic or figure skating. I train to run hard not run pretty'.

Steve Prefontaine, no intro needed. Never won an olympic medal but broke more records than any other Olympian.

My favourite, Sebastian Coe, easily the best 1500 m runner ever. Won 1500 back to back in 1980 and 1984. Few months before the 1980 olympics, within a span of 41 days, he won and broke World Records for the 800m, 1500m and the mile. Breaks world records like cracking peanuts.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Awake, please awake.

This is something else, simple yet straight to the point, but one can only wonder how much of an effect it had. 16 years on, and things are worst. Btw this is David Suzuki's daughter and if you don't know David Suzuki, don't deprive yourself further, go read up on him.

It's bittersweet to be back, but I am content.